Industrial computer systems

B242 - Letní 24/25

Industrial computer systems - AE1B13PPS

Kredity 5
Semestry letní
Zakončení Zápočet a zkouška
Jazyk výuky angličtina
Rozsah výuky 2P+2L
The subject is focused on basic knowledges about computer control systems used in electrotechnic engineering and energetics. Students works with hardware for data acquisition and data processing, software tools and application examples. There are presented elementary digital circuits, the representation of numbers and their processing in microcomputer and fundamental block of microprocessor and microcomputer. The single chip microcomputer, embedded application, industrial PC and design to industrial condition are presented. \\Výsledek studentské ankety předmětu je zde:
Cíle studia
Orientace v technických prostředcích pro řízení a automatizaci technologických procesů, praktická cvičení s logickým řízením, základy práce s jednoduchým mikroprocesorem, základy práce se SCADA systémem; orientace v oblasti vlivů prostředí na provedení průmyslových počítačů.
Osnovy přednášek
1. The fundamentals, the microcomputer, its fundamental blocks and functions.
2. The number representation and processing, logic variables, characters.
3. The combinative circuits, design, description, examples.
4. The sequential circuits, design, description, simplification, examples.
5. The function of microcomputer parts, buses, memory.
6. Interruption system, peripheral circuits, input-output, communication.
7. A/D, D/A converters, counters, timers and other circuits.
8. Instruction set.
9. The microcomputer programming, languages, environment, other tools.
10. The industrial computer programming, SCADA system.
11. Microprocesor development systems, microcomputer design.
12. The microcomputer environment, supply, disturbances, emissions, computer testing.
13. Industrial computers, PLC, PAC, IPC, design, environmental influences.
14. Application examples, functional safety and reliability.
Osnovy cvičení
1. Numerical systems and conversions.
2. Representation of negative numbers, aritmetical operations, radix point.
3. Laboratory exercise, design and implementation of combinatory circuts.
4. Laboratory exercise, design and implementation of sequential circuts.
5. Laboratory exercise, individual work. Test..
6. Laboratory exercise, work with microprocessor, development environment.
7. Laboratory exercise, work with microprocessor, input-output.
8. Laboratory exercise, work with microprocessor, A/D converter.
9. The programing of microprocessor in high-level language. Test.
10. Introduction into SCADA system.
11. Individual work with SCADA system.
12. Laboratory exercise, communication between SCADA and controlled process.
13. The examples of industrial computer solution.
14. Test, assessment.
Douša, J., Pluháček. A.: Introduction to Computer Systems. CVUT, Praha 2000
Elaboration of laboratoty tasks.
Succesfull test results.