B242 - Letní 24/25
Programming - AE2B32PRI
Kredity | 5 |
Semestry | zimní |
Zakončení | Zápočet a zkouška |
Jazyk výuky | angličtina |
Rozsah výuky | 2P + 2C |
The main goal of this subject is to build an algorithm and find a solution for basic problem in C language. This subject covers with the basic course in C++ language. C and C++ data language types, indicators (analogues), functions and structures, classes and objects are subsequently interpreted. Using object programming in data abstraction implementation and dynamic data structures is shown exemplary.
Cíle studia
Osnovy přednášek
1. Algorithm, programs and programming language, programming code in programming language.
2. New knowledge in modular and object oriented programming. The basic lines in C++ language.
3. Variables and its declaration, terms, commands.
4. Management structures, arrays and indicators (analogues).
5. Program control, program branching, loops.
6. Procedures and functions, program structure.
7. Problem analysis.
8. Project devices, debugging, testing.
9. Classes and objects in C++, heredity, sections.
10. Polymorphism in C++, bindings, patterns.
11. Making classes with dynamics date members. Construction and destructions.
12. Libraries with standard C functions. Free and commercial solution.
13. Libraries of the classes and the bindings to graphical interface.
14. Graphic interface in the target operating system.
2. New knowledge in modular and object oriented programming. The basic lines in C++ language.
3. Variables and its declaration, terms, commands.
4. Management structures, arrays and indicators (analogues).
5. Program control, program branching, loops.
6. Procedures and functions, program structure.
7. Problem analysis.
8. Project devices, debugging, testing.
9. Classes and objects in C++, heredity, sections.
10. Polymorphism in C++, bindings, patterns.
11. Making classes with dynamics date members. Construction and destructions.
12. Libraries with standard C functions. Free and commercial solution.
13. Libraries of the classes and the bindings to graphical interface.
14. Graphic interface in the target operating system.
Osnovy cvičení
1. Introduction. Requirements to obtain the credit.
2. The basic lines in C++ language.
3. Variables and its declaration, terms, commands.
4. Management structures, arrays and indicators (analogues).
5. Program control, program branching, loops.
6. Procedures and functions, program structure.
7. Project devices, debugging, testing.
8. Assignment of seminar projects.
9. Consultation of seminar projects.
10. Consultation of seminar projects
11. Consultation of seminar projects.
12. Presentation of seminar projects.
13. Presentation of seminar projects.
14. Credit.
2. The basic lines in C++ language.
3. Variables and its declaration, terms, commands.
4. Management structures, arrays and indicators (analogues).
5. Program control, program branching, loops.
6. Procedures and functions, program structure.
7. Project devices, debugging, testing.
8. Assignment of seminar projects.
9. Consultation of seminar projects.
10. Consultation of seminar projects
11. Consultation of seminar projects.
12. Presentation of seminar projects.
13. Presentation of seminar projects.
14. Credit.
Stroustrup B.: The C++ Programming Language. Addison-Wesley, London 1997.