Anglický jazyk 2
B242 - Letní 24/25
Anglický jazyk 2 - XP04A2
Kredity | 0 |
Semestry | oba |
Zakončení | Nic |
Jazyk výuky | čeština |
Rozsah výuky | 4C |
Cílem kurzu je seznámit doktorandy se základními pravidly sestavování psaného dokumentu (např. prezentace, článek, zpráva, disertace, oficiální dopis); sestavení a přednesení ústní prezentace; dovednost rychlého pochopení informace z textu (obecná a specifická informace); nácvik poslechu a následné zpracování získané informace; vybrané kapitoly z gramatiky; matematické symboly a terminologie; sestavení stručného životopisu. Závěrečné ústní přednesení odborné prezentace s následnou diskusí. \\Výsledek studentské ankety předmětu je zde:
Cíle studia
Prohloubení a rozšíření znalostí anglického jazyka pro akademické účely.
Osnovy přednášek
PGS A2 Syllabus 2013-14
Literature: Academic Vocabulary in Use, Michael McCarthy; Felicity O´Dell; CUP
Additional materials: Cambridge Academic English,
Teacher´s own materials
W1 A Introduction into Academic Skills
L1 What is special about academic English (AE)?
L2 Key nouns + L3 Key verbs
B L4 Key adjectives + L5 Key adjectives + L6 Phrasal verbs in AE
W2 A Graphs - introduction
(Cambridge Acad.English L2+additional materials)
L27 Graphs and Diagrams + L7 Key quantifying expressions
B L25 Numbers + L24 Facts, evidence and data + L26 Statistics
W3 A Collocations L8, L10, L11
B Collocations L12, L13
W4 A Prepositions L14, L15
B Fixed expressions L16 + Reading 3
W5 A Writing applications L7
B Business letter writing
W6 A Organizing the text L45, L46
B Introduction and Motivation L31, L35
W7 A Body:
a) Definitions and Descriptions - introduction
B b) L47, L48
W8 A c) Analysis L29, L33
B d) Classify L42
e) Compare and Contrast L44
W 9 A f) Cause and Effect L30
g) Evaluation and Emphasis L49
B h) Degrees of certainty L37
i) Reporting, Statements and their support (Writing Skills -additional mat.)
W10 A j) Presenting an argument L38
k) Describing research methods L 41
W11 A Summary and Conclusion L 50
Reading 5
B CV+Cover letter (Resumé)
How to make an oral presentation I - introduction (additional materials)
W12 A How to make an oral presentation II - structure and language
B Oral presentations: Visuals, Psychology of the speech: behaviour, body language
W13 A Students´ Presentations
B Students´ Presentations
W14 A Students´ Presentations
Literature: Academic Vocabulary in Use, Michael McCarthy; Felicity O´Dell; CUP
Additional materials: Cambridge Academic English,
Teacher´s own materials
W1 A Introduction into Academic Skills
L1 What is special about academic English (AE)?
L2 Key nouns + L3 Key verbs
B L4 Key adjectives + L5 Key adjectives + L6 Phrasal verbs in AE
W2 A Graphs - introduction
(Cambridge Acad.English L2+additional materials)
L27 Graphs and Diagrams + L7 Key quantifying expressions
B L25 Numbers + L24 Facts, evidence and data + L26 Statistics
W3 A Collocations L8, L10, L11
B Collocations L12, L13
W4 A Prepositions L14, L15
B Fixed expressions L16 + Reading 3
W5 A Writing applications L7
B Business letter writing
W6 A Organizing the text L45, L46
B Introduction and Motivation L31, L35
W7 A Body:
a) Definitions and Descriptions - introduction
B b) L47, L48
W8 A c) Analysis L29, L33
B d) Classify L42
e) Compare and Contrast L44
W 9 A f) Cause and Effect L30
g) Evaluation and Emphasis L49
B h) Degrees of certainty L37
i) Reporting, Statements and their support (Writing Skills -additional mat.)
W10 A j) Presenting an argument L38
k) Describing research methods L 41
W11 A Summary and Conclusion L 50
Reading 5
B CV+Cover letter (Resumé)
How to make an oral presentation I - introduction (additional materials)
W12 A How to make an oral presentation II - structure and language
B Oral presentations: Visuals, Psychology of the speech: behaviour, body language
W13 A Students´ Presentations
B Students´ Presentations
W14 A Students´ Presentations
Osnovy cvičení
GS A2 Syllabus 2013-14
Literature: Academic Vocabulary in Use, Michael McCarthy; Felicity O´Dell; CUP
Additional materials: Cambridge Academic English,
Teacher´s own materials
W1 A Introduction into Academic Skills
L1 What is special about academic English (AE)?
L2 Key nouns + L3 Key verbs
B L4 Key adjectives + L5 Key adjectives + L6 Phrasal verbs in AE
W2 A Graphs - introduction
(Cambridge Acad.English L2+additional materials)
L27 Graphs and Diagrams + L7 Key quantifying expressions
B L25 Numbers + L24 Facts, evidence and data + L26 Statistics
W3 A Collocations L8, L10, L11
B Collocations L12, L13
W4 A Prepositions L14, L15
B Fixed expressions L16 + Reading 3
W5 A Writing applications L7
B Business letter writing
W6 A Organizing the text L45, L46
B Introduction and Motivation L31, L35
W7 A Body:
a) Definitions and Descriptions - introduction
B b) L47, L48
W8 A c) Analysis L29, L33
B d) Classify L42
e) Compare and Contrast L44
W 9 A f) Cause and Effect L30
g) Evaluation and Emphasis L49
B h) Degrees of certainty L37
i) Reporting, Statements and their support (Writing Skills -additional mat.)
W10 A j) Presenting an argument L38
k) Describing research methods L 41
W11 A Summary and Conclusion L 50
Reading 5
B CV+Cover letter (Resumé)
How to make an oral presentation I - introduction (additional materials)
W12 A How to make an oral presentation II - structure and language
B Oral presentations: Visuals, Psychology of the speech: behaviour, body language
W13 A Students´ Presentations
B Students´ Presentations
W14 A Students´ Presentations
B Students´ Presentations
Literature: Academic Vocabulary in Use, Michael McCarthy; Felicity O´Dell; CUP
Additional materials: Cambridge Academic English,
Teacher´s own materials
W1 A Introduction into Academic Skills
L1 What is special about academic English (AE)?
L2 Key nouns + L3 Key verbs
B L4 Key adjectives + L5 Key adjectives + L6 Phrasal verbs in AE
W2 A Graphs - introduction
(Cambridge Acad.English L2+additional materials)
L27 Graphs and Diagrams + L7 Key quantifying expressions
B L25 Numbers + L24 Facts, evidence and data + L26 Statistics
W3 A Collocations L8, L10, L11
B Collocations L12, L13
W4 A Prepositions L14, L15
B Fixed expressions L16 + Reading 3
W5 A Writing applications L7
B Business letter writing
W6 A Organizing the text L45, L46
B Introduction and Motivation L31, L35
W7 A Body:
a) Definitions and Descriptions - introduction
B b) L47, L48
W8 A c) Analysis L29, L33
B d) Classify L42
e) Compare and Contrast L44
W 9 A f) Cause and Effect L30
g) Evaluation and Emphasis L49
B h) Degrees of certainty L37
i) Reporting, Statements and their support (Writing Skills -additional mat.)
W10 A j) Presenting an argument L38
k) Describing research methods L 41
W11 A Summary and Conclusion L 50
Reading 5
B CV+Cover letter (Resumé)
How to make an oral presentation I - introduction (additional materials)
W12 A How to make an oral presentation II - structure and language
B Oral presentations: Visuals, Psychology of the speech: behaviour, body language
W13 A Students´ Presentations
B Students´ Presentations
W14 A Students´ Presentations
B Students´ Presentations
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