This is a grouped Moodle course. It consists of several separate courses that share learning materials, assignments, tests etc. Below you can see information about the individual courses that make up this Moodle course.

Microsystems - B2M34MST

Main course
Credits 6
Semesters Summer
Completion Assessment + Examination
Language of teaching Czech
Extent of teaching 2P+2L
The course deals with system integration applied in the design of digital and analog systems. It demonstrates the new possibilities of implementation and application of integrated microelectronic devices based on various physical and biochemical principles. It presents primarily MEMS technology that increases reliability with all its attributes. The course presents the modern action elements and microactuators, whose operation is based on fundamental physical and biochemical principles, including basic applications in micromanipulation, microrobots, microdrives, microsurgery, multimedia, medical, industrial control, automotive, etc. In the course are presented the principles of touch screens, microgenerators of electrical energy. There are mentioned basic elements of the use of nanotechnology and nanoelectronic structures and basic microsystem technologies.
Study targets
Gaining knowledge about the current and future development of systems on a chip, the integration of on-chip, electrical and non-electrical action systems, usage of basic physical phenomena for applications in electronics, optics, communications, medicine and aviation, in the realization of miniature generators from renewable energy sources - excluding the photovoltaics.
Course outlines
1. Microsystems structures, energy domains, importance, interdisciplinary, applications, system integration of digital and analog systems, multi-chip configuration
2. Physical phenomena, design methods, interconnection of systems-on-chip and external devices, process control, communication and evaluation, system reliability and its increasing by integration
3. Micro-actuators parameters, scaling
4. Tactile sensors and touch screens, biometric devices, from graphite to graphene
5. Basic mechanisms and structures used in micro-actuators
6. Electrostatic linear and rotary actuators components - basic physical principles and application
7. Electrostatic micromanipulators and micro-motors
8. Piezoelectric micro-actuators mechanisms, micro-motors and micromanipulators
9. Heat and magnetic principle - micro-actuators mechanisms
10. Mechanical Systems and micro-actuators mechanisms
11. Chemical and biochemical principles - micro-actuators mechanisms, intelligent microsystems structures for chemical and biochemical analysis, Lab-on-Chip
12. RF MEMS and MOEMS structures, (electronic switches, filters, optical switches, optical mirrors, tunable capacitors, etc.)
13. Micro-generators based on Energy Harvesting
14. Nanoscale systems
Exercises outlines
1. Introduction, organization of the seminars, introduction to safety in work
2. Semester project selection, registration for excursion
3. Introduction to the programs Coventor and Ansys
4. Simulation and modeling of basic MEMS structures in Ansys
5. Simulation and modeling of basic MEMS structures in Ansys
6. Simulation and modeling of basic MEMS structures in Ansys, Preparation for excursion
7. Excursion, practical exercise in clean rooms
8. Simulation and modeling of basic MEMS structures in Ansys
9. Laboratory exercise - Application of the material printer
10. Laboratory exercise - Characterization of the fabricated structures
11. Measurement - practical applications of the MEMS structures
12. Presentation of semester projects
13. Presentation of semester projects
14. Additional measurements: completion of missing measurement tasks, assessment
1. Fraden,J.: Handbook of modern sensors. American institut of physics, Woodbury 1997
2. Tuller,H.L, Microactuators, Kluwer 1998

Microsystems - AD2M34MST

Credits 5
Semesters Winter
Completion Assessment + Examination
Language of teaching Czech
Extent of teaching 14KP+6KL
The course deals with system integration applied in the design of digital and analog systems. It demonstrates the new possibilities of implementation and application of integrated microelectronic devices based on various physical and biochemical principles. It presents primarily MEMS technology that increases reliability with all its attributes. The course presents the modern action elements and microactuators, whose operation is based on fundamental physical and biochemical principles, including basic applications in micromanipulation, microrobots, microdrives, microsurgery, multimedia, medical, industrial control, automotive, etc. In the course are presented the principles of touch screens, microgenerators of electrical energy. There are mentioned basic elements of the use of nanotechnology and nanoelectronic structures and basic microsystem technologies.

Study targets
Gaining knowledge about the current and future development of systems on a chip, the integration of on-chip, electrical and non-electrical action systems, usage of basic physical phenomena for applications in electronics, optics, communications, medicine and aviation, in the realization of miniature generators from renewable energy sources - excluding the photovoltaics.
Course outlines
1. Microsystems structures, energy domains, importance, interdisciplinary, applications, system integration of digital and analog systems, multi-chip configuration
2. Physical phenomena, design methods, interconnection of systems-on-chip and external devices, process control, communication and evaluation, system reliability and its increasing by integration
3. Micro-actuators parameters, scaling
4. Tactile sensors and touch screens, biometric devices, from graphite to graphene
5. Basic mechanisms and structures used in micro-actuators
6. Electrostatic linear and rotary actuators components - basic physical principles and application
7. Electrostatic micromanipulators and micro-motors
8. Piezoelectric micro-actuators mechanisms, micro-motors and micromanipulators
9. Heat and magnetic principle - micro-actuators mechanisms
10. Mechanical Systems and micro-actuators mechanisms
11. Chemical and biochemical principles - micro-actuators mechanisms, intelligent microsystems structures for chemical and biochemical analysis, Lab-on-Chip
12. RF MEMS and MOEMS structures, (electronic switches, filters, optical switches, optical mirrors, tunable capacitors, etc.)
13. Micro-generators based on Energy Harvesting
14. Nanoscale systems
Exercises outlines
1. Introduction, organization of the seminars, introduction to safety in work
2. Semester project selection, registration for excursion
3. Introduction to the programs Coventor and Ansys
4. Simulation and modeling of basic MEMS structures in Ansys
5. Simulation and modeling of basic MEMS structures in Ansys
6. Simulation and modeling of basic MEMS structures in Ansys, Preparation for excursion
7. Excursion, practical exercise in clean rooms
8. Simulation and modeling of basic MEMS structures in Ansys
9. Laboratory exercise - Application of the material printer
10. Laboratory exercise - Characterization of the fabricated structures
11. Measurement - practical applications of the MEMS structures
12. Presentation of semester projects
13. Presentation of semester projects
14. Additional measurements: completion of missing measurement tasks, assessment
1. Tuller,H.L, Microactuators, Kluwer 1998
2. Busch-Vishniac,I.,J.: Electromechanical Sensors and Actuators, Springer, 2003
3. Fraden,J.: Handbook of modern sensors. American institut of physics, Woodbury 1997


Microsystems - A8M34MST

Credits 5
Semesters Summer
Completion Assessment + Examination
Language of teaching Czech
Extent of teaching 2P+2L
Předmět se zabývá systémovou integrací uplatňovanou při návrhu digitálních a analogových systémů s uplatňováním
systémového inženýrství, řeší propojení různých typů moderních elektronických systémů na čipu a externích. Ukazuje na
nové možnosti realizace a aplikace integrovaných mikrosoučástí pracujících s různými principy a veličinami
využívajícími především MEMS technologií, zvyšování spolehlivost se všemi jejími atributy. Předmět představuje
moderní prvky - mikroaktuátory s různými principy jejich činnosti včetně základních aplikací v průmyslu, medicíně,
regulaci, řízení automobilismu, apod. Jsou zde zmíněny základní prvky využití nanotechnologií a nanoelektronických
Course outlines
1. Mikrosystém a mikrosystémové struktury, energetické domény
2. Aktuátory - základní využívané fyzikální a biochemické principy a mechanismy, scaling
3. MEMS a MOEMS struktury, konstrukce MEMS komponent a RF prvků (elektronické přepínače, filtry, optické
přepínače, laditelné kapacity a další)
4. Mikroaktuátory a jejich fyzikální principy a vlastnosti
5. Elektrostatické lineární a rotační aktuátory, manipulátory a mikromotory
6. Piezoelektrické mikroaktuátory, mikromotory a manipulátory
7. Mikroaktuátory s magnetickými a tepelnými principy
8. Optické a mechanické mikroaktuátory a mikropohony
9. Mikroaktuátory s chemickými a biochemickými principy, Lab-on-Chip, mikrospektrometry
10. Taktilní senzory a principy činnosti dotykových displejů, biometrické součásti
11. Taktilní senzory a principy činnosti dotykových displejů
12. Manipulátory a mikromotorky, využití pro řízení, mikroposuvy apod.
13. Mikrosystémové technologie (včetně MEMS)
14. NEMS nanostruktury s využitím nanomateriálů
1. Husák,M.: Mikrosenzory a mikroaktuátory. Academia 2008
2. Fraden,J.: Handbook of modern sensors. American Institute of Physics, Woodbury 1997

Microsystems in Multimedia - A2M34MIM

Credits 5
Semesters Summer
Completion Assessment + Examination
Language of teaching Czech
Extent of teaching 2P+2C
The subject solves systems working in interdisciplinary areas, the most frequently in the energy interface - optical, thermal, mechanical, electrical). There are explained physical principles of any sensors, especially of optical and mechanical quantities, principle of biometric pick-up information, principle of tactile display, etc. There re solved the basic methods of the signal pre-processing. Basic principles of actuators are described, ones are using for the control in instruments and systems of multimedia applications. The attention is focused on MEMS elements and systems and their applicability in modern instrument technology.
Course outlines
1. The concept of microsystems, microsystems structures, energy domains, scaling
2. Basic physical principles
3. Special sensors of optical and mechanical quantities, the use of integration of semiconductor elements, biometric sensors
4. Tactile sensors, operation principles of touch displays
5. Sensor signal pre-processing
6. The sensor communication with control units, the actuator control
7. Actuators and microactuators - physical principles and properties
8. MEMS structures
9. MEMS microspectrometer structure, special elements (electronic switches, filters, optical switches, the tunable capacity, another RF elements)
10. Electrostatic and piezoelectric microactuators
11. Magnetic microactuators, thermal actuators
12. Optical microactuators, mechanical microactuators
13. Manipulators and micromotors, used to control, microshifts, etc.
14. Microsystems product applications in the instrument design (cameras, moving cameras, studio equipments, etc.)
Exercises outlines
1. The time schedule, the security in laboratory, the system engineering, the system integration
2. The calculation of the system reliability
3. CoventorWare software for the microsystem structure design
4. Biometric sensors
5. Touch displays
6. The electrostatic microactuator and micromotor
7. The electrostatic manipulator
8. The electrostatic optical switch
9. The electrostatic MEMS microphone and speaker
10. The piezoelectric actuator and microshift
11. The thermal actuator
12. The magnetic actuator
13. The design of MEMS switches
14. Credits
1. Tuller,H.L, Microactuators, Kluwer 1998
2. Busch-Vishniac,I.,J.: Electromechanical Sensors and Actuators, Springer, 2003