Engineering mechanics

B242 - Summer 2024/2025
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Engineering mechanics - A0B14TME

Credits 4
Semesters Summer
Completion Assessment + Examination
Language of teaching Czech
Extent of teaching 2+2s
This subject provides knowledge of applied mechanics for the industry practice. Analysis of constructional elements and their dimensioning. Kinematics of simple mechanisms. Dynamic behaviour of mechanical systems, mechanic vibrations. Thermodynamics of real gases and vapours, their processes an cycles, basic comparative cycles of heat machines. Fundamentals of hydrodynamics, transport losses in hydraulic systems.

Course outlines
1.Fundamentals of engineering mechanics. Degrees of freedom, bonds. Force systems.
2.Statics of supported body, body systems. Trusses.
3.Catenary. Statics of body systems with passive resistances.
4.Fundamentals of elasticity, strength and deformation.
5.Pure kinds of stresses, computational methods.
6.Kinematics of particles and bodies. Motion of a reference frame, relative motion.
7.Kinematics of body systems. Analysis and synthesis of linkages.
8.Dynamics of translational and rotational body motions, equation of motion, integral principles
9.Free body method in dynamics of systems, mechanical vibration
10.Fundamentals of power thermodynamics, properties of real gases and vapours.
11.Thermodynamic state surface of water and water steam, reversible processes in water steam.
12.Cycles. Basic comparative cycles of gas and steam turbines.
13.Fundamentals of hydrodynamics, continuity equation, equation of motion.
14.Power losses of flow in stream tube.

Exercises outlines
1.Vector algebra of forces, reactions in bonds of supported body.
2.Free body method for body systems.
3.Trusses. Systems with passive resistances.
4.Plane strength, determination main stresses
5.Dimensioning of circular shaft in pure torsion.
6.Stress in beam in pure bending.
7.Combination of torsion and bending in shaft.
8.Determination of velocity and acceleration of body in plane motion.
9.Analysis of mechanisms (four link, crank, cam).
10.Equations of motion of rotors.
11.Equation of motion of system with one degree of freedom.
12. H-s diagram of water steam, reversible processes
13.Work and efficiency of comparative cycle of steam turbine.
14.Application of Bernoulli equation on conduit systems.

1.Beer, F. P., Johnston, E.R. Vector Mechanics for Engineers (Statics, Dynamics). Fifth Edition, Mc Graw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1988.
2.Munson, B.R., Yong, D.F., Okiishi, T.H. : Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1990.
3.Kays, W.M., Crawford, M.E. : Convective Heat and Mass Transfer. Third Edition, Mc. Graw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1993.
4.Mareš, R., Šifner, O., Kadrnožka,J. : Tables of Properties of Water and Steam. VUITIUM Brno, 1999