CTU FEE Moodle
Intellectual property protection
B242 - Summer 2024/2025
This is a grouped Moodle course. It consists of several separate courses that share learning materials, assignments, tests etc. Below you can see information about the individual courses that make up this Moodle course.
Intellectual property protection - XP32ODV
Main course
Credits | 4 |
Semesters | Summer |
Completion | Exam |
Language of teaching | Czech |
Extent of teaching | 2P + 0S |
This subject introduces the basic issues of intellectual property (IP) protection. Students learn why it is necessary to protect research results, how they can protect their own technical solutions and designs, how to obtain a trademark and also how to succeed with IP protection at the international level. The course also deals with license granting procedures for particular protection methods as part of a standard way of commercializing original IP. Emphasis is put on quality methodology for database searching, which is key for successful research and development projects. Motto: Those who do not protect the results of their research work can never dream of being on par with the best...
Study targets
Student se seznámí se základními pojmy tématiky ochrany duševního vlastnictví, seznámí se s pojmy patent, ochranná známka či průmyslový vzor a základy licencování.
Course outlines
1. Introduction
2. Basics
3. Protecting technical solutions
4. Protecting designs
5. Protecting trademarks
6. Registering IP rights abroad
7. Classification systems
8. Database searching ? sources of information concerning IP rights
9. Database searching
10. Intellectual property agreements
11. Asserting intellectual property rights
12. Database searching
13. Videolesson
14. Test
2. Basics
3. Protecting technical solutions
4. Protecting designs
5. Protecting trademarks
6. Registering IP rights abroad
7. Classification systems
8. Database searching ? sources of information concerning IP rights
9. Database searching
10. Intellectual property agreements
11. Asserting intellectual property rights
12. Database searching
13. Videolesson
14. Test
Exercises outlines
1. Odevzdání všech zadaných úkolů na elearningovem portálu
2. Úspěšné splnění závěrečného testu (podle klasifikační tabulky ECTS)
2. Úspěšné splnění závěrečného testu (podle klasifikační tabulky ECTS)
Intellectual property protection - A0B32ODV
Credits | 4 |
Semesters | Winter |
Completion | Graded Assessment |
Language of teaching | Czech |
Extent of teaching | 3P + 0S |
This subject introduces the basic issues of intellectual property (IP) protection. Students learn why it is necessary to protect research results, how they can protect their own technical solutions and designs, how to obtain a trademark and also how to succeed with IP protection at the international level. The course also deals with license granting procedures for particular protection methods as part of a standard way of commercializing original IP. Emphasis is put on quality methodology for database searching, which is key for successful research and development projects. Motto: Those who do not protect the results of their research work can never dream of being on par with the best?
Study targets
Student se seznámí se základními pojmy tématiky ochrany duševního vlastnictví, seznámí se s pojmy patent, ochranná známka či průmyslový vzor a základy licencování.
Course outlines
1. Introduction
2. Basics
3. Protecting technical solutions
4. Protecting designs
5. Protecting trademarks
6. Registering IP rights abroad
7. Classification systems
8. Database searching ? sources of information concerning IP rights
9. Database searching
10. Intellectual property agreements
11. Asserting intellectual property rights
12. Database searching
13. Videolesson
14. Test
2. Basics
3. Protecting technical solutions
4. Protecting designs
5. Protecting trademarks
6. Registering IP rights abroad
7. Classification systems
8. Database searching ? sources of information concerning IP rights
9. Database searching
10. Intellectual property agreements
11. Asserting intellectual property rights
12. Database searching
13. Videolesson
14. Test
Exercises outlines
1. Odevzdání všech zadaných dílčích testů na e-learningovém portále v termínu.
2. Odevzdání samostatné práce k danému tématu v termínu.
3. Úspěšné splnění závěrečného testu (podle klasifikační tabulky ECTS)
2. Odevzdání samostatné práce k danému tématu v termínu.
3. Úspěšné splnění závěrečného testu (podle klasifikační tabulky ECTS)