Advanced Components of Power Electronic

B242 - Summer 2024/2025
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Advanced Components of Power Electronic - A0M13MKV

Credits 5
Semesters Summer
Completion Assessment + Examination
Language of teaching Czech
Extent of teaching 2P+2L
Power semiconductor device (diodes, BJTs, thyristors, MOSFETs and IGBTs) and integraed structures (modules). Structures, function, characteristics and parameters, conditions for reliable operation. Connection of devices in parallel and in series. Operating reliability of power components and equipments.
Study targets
To give students detail knowledge about structure, functions and basic parameters of power semiconductor devices
Course outlines
1. Introduction. Physics of basic structures
2. Materials for power devices (Si, SiC, GaN)
3. Power diodes (static and dynamic characteristics)
4. Schottky diodes and combined structures
5. Power transistors and thyristors
6. Modern thyristor type devices (GTO, IGCT, LTT)
8. IGBTs. PT and NPT structures.
9. Devices for high frequency operation (LD MOS, HJT)
10.Power integration (PIC, IPM)
11.The cooling of power device.
12.Device encapsulations and heat sinks
13. Device connection in series and in parallel
14.Operating reliability of power devices and components
Exercises outlines
2.The first group of laboratory tasks - theory and ezpalation
3.The sekond group of laboratory tasks - theory and explanation
4.The third group of laboratory tasks - theory and explanation
5.Measuring of temperature dependence of reverse characteristics of thyristors and diodes
6.Measuring of temperature dependence of forward characteristics of thyristors and diodes
7.Measuring of dynamic paprameters during diode reverse recovery process
8.Measuring of static characteristics of BJT, MOSFET a IGBT in dependence on temperature
9.Measuring og dynamec parameters of semiconductor switches
10.Meausring of the trajectory of the operating point during device switching
11.Measuring of pasive devioce parametrs
12.Measuring of transient thermal impedance
13.Materiále and construction of components - exhibition
1. Benda, V., Gowar, J., Grant, G. A. Power Semiconductor Devices.
Chichester: J.Wiley & Sons. 1999
2. Baliga, J. Power Semiconductor Devices. Boston: PWS Publishing
A student has to obtain a credit before an examination