Simulation and Optimization in Drives

B242 - Summer 2024/2025
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Simulation and Optimization in Drives - A1M14SOP

Credits 5
Semesters Winter
Completion Assessment + Examination
Language of teaching Czech
Extent of teaching 2+2L
Models of dynamic systems. Methods and process of simulation. Programs Pspice, Schematics and Probe. Circuit models of semiconductor converters. Dynamic models of converters in average values. Electric drive as a system. State space representation of models and its solution. Numerical methods and optimization. Models of converters and machines for high frequencies. Programs Matlab, Simulink. Methods of finite elements and its use for magnetic field optimization in electric machine. Development process and SW tools for design of main types of electric machines

Course outlines
1. Models of dynamic systems. Methods of simulation. Review of program tools.
2. Circuit models of semiconductor converters. Dynamic models in average values.
3. Electrical drive as a system. Connection of converter and machine models.
4. State space representation and outer drive models and simplifications.
5. Models of converters and machines for high frequencies
6. Programming environment MATLAB. Simulation system SIMULINK.
7. Simulation system SIMULINK.
8. Optimization of non-rotating electric machines- electromagnetic design.
9. Numerical solution of electromagnetic fields, finite element method.
10. Choice of boundary conditions, selection of elements. Material properties, mesh design.
11. Visualization of results, basic types of tasks.
12. Optimization of rotating electric machines- electromagnetic design.
13. Choice of main dimensions of magnetic circuit, winding design.
14. Calculation of resistances, reactances and losses, and checking of temperature rise

Exercises outlines
1. Modeling in program Schematic, simulation and visualization by using Pspice and Probe.
2. Dynamic model of chopper, synthesis of its regulator, and simulation in Pspice (I).
3. Dynamic model of chopper, synthesis of its regulator, and simulation in Pspice (II).
4. Optimization of control parameters for speed controller of dc motor drive.
5. Modeling of induction motor for high frequencies.
6. Modeling of drives in Simulink.
7. Modeling of drives in Simulink.
8. Design of air choke - application SW- criteria for choosing optimum variant.
9. Information about SW environment MKP - COSMOS/M.
10. Examples of basic types of tasks.
11. Solution of individual task, optimization of magnetic circuit geometry.
12. Information about SW environment for design of rotating machines CAD - SPEED.
13. Examples of design of basic types of rotating machines.
14. Design of selected rotating machine by using methodology CAD - SPEED

1.Kassakian, J. G., Schlecht, M.F., Verghese, G. C.: Principles of Power Electronics. Addison-Wesley Publ., 1992.
2.Manuals MATLAB and SIMULINK. The MathWorks, Inc.
3.Reece, A. B., Presto, T.: Finite Element Methods in Electrical Power Engineering. Oxford University Press, 2000
4.Slemon,G.R.: Electric Machines and Drives; Addison-Wesley Publishing Comp., 1992
Credit conditions: Attendance by the study laws, activity by the exercise solution, right disposed and worked individual exercises