Analog and Active Circuits

B242 - Summer 2024/2025
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Analog and Active Circuits - A8B31AAC

Credits 6
Semesters Winter
Completion Assessment + Examination
Language of teaching Czech
Extent of teaching 3P+2S
The subject AE8B31AAC is oriented on presentation, matematical description, analysis and sythesis of basic analogue active circuits and function blocks of electronic systems based on basic semiconductor electronic components operating in linear and non-linear modes.
Study targets
The goal of study of this subject is an attainment of solid knowledge in the frame of applied electronics, system description, analysis and synthesis of basic analogue active circuits and function blocks of electronic systems based on basic semiconductor electronic components operating in linear and non-linear modes.
Course outlines
1. Recapitulation of linear circuits analysis methods. Generalized nodal voltage analysis.
2. Linear non-autonomous two-ports, characteristics, transfer properties, circuit chain division method.
3. Analogue frequency filters, properties, time and frequency domain analysis. Filter synthesis, LC filters, cascade synthesis of ARC filters, application of OA, OTA, TIA, CCII elements, filters with switched capacitors (tuning).
4. Non-linear circuits, non-linear resistive circuits, VA-characteristics, characteristic approximation, DC operating point, linearization in DC operating point. Non-linear resistive circuit analysis methods - analytical, graphical (load line) and numerical (Pickard, regula falsi, Newton) methods.
5. Circuits with semiconductor diodes.
6. Basic amplifier structures with bipolar transistors (CE, CC, CB), DC operating point, RC coupling, "AC? amplifier parametars in low, middle and high frequency band (LFB, MFB, HFB).
7. Basic amplifier structures with unipolar transistors (CS, CD, CG), DC operating point, RC coupling, "AC? amplifier parametars in low, middle and high frequency band (LFB, MFB, HFB).
8. Dynamic load, current mirror, Darlington structure, amplifier classes, push-pull amplifiers, output power amplifiers, output amplifiers of logic elements (push-pull TTL, complementary push-pull CMOS)..
9. Differnetial amplifier, combined amplifiers, cascode, operational amplifier - structure, parameters.
10. Linear operational networks (repetition), non-linear operational networks (operational rectifier, comparator with hysteresis, logarithm amplifier, exponentiator, maximum value meter).
11. Sinusoidal oscillators, flip-flops, function generators, voltage controlled oscillator, phase locked loop PLL.
12. Semiconductor switches, application (inductive load switching, LED switching, analogue multiplexer, sample/hold (S/H), switching capacitors, logic elements structures, switching sources).
13. Classic supply sources (transformer, rectifier, filter, stabilizer), switching sources principle.
14. Circuits with optoelectronic elements (photodiode, phototransistor, LED).
Exercises outlines
Sylabus of exercises are thematically identical with the sylabus of lectures. Themes of exercises immediately follow the corresponding lecture ones.
[1] Sedra, Smith: Microelectronic Circuits. Oxford University Press 2007.
[2] T. L. Floyd,: Principles of Electric Circuits. Conventional Current Version, 8th ed. Pearsen Prentice Hall.
[3] J. Bičák, M. Laipert, M. Vlček: Lineární obvody a systémy, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT, Praha 2007.
[4] J. Vobecký, V. Záhlava: Elektronika, Grada Publishing, 2001.
[5] J. Vedral, J. Fischer: Elektronické obvody pro měřicí techniku, Vyd. ČVUT, 1999.
[6] M. Husák: Návrh napájecích zdrojů pro elektroniku, Vydavatelství ČVUT, 2006.
[7] J. Punčochář: Operační zesilovače v elektronice. Nakladatelství BEN - technická literatura, Praha 1996.
Solid knowledge of mathematics, physics and electromagnetic field theory, electric circuit theory, semiconductor physics and semiconductor electronic elements principles specified in the subjects AE8B01LAG, AE8B01MC1, AE8B01MCM, AE8B01DEN, AE8B01MCT, AE8B02PH1, AE8B02PH2, AE8B17EMT, AE8B31CIR, AE8B34SST, AE8B34EODT.