Review of Mathematics 2

B232 - Letní 23/24
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Review of Mathematics 2 - AE0B02RM2

Kredity 8
Semestry zimní
Zakončení zápočet a zkouška
Jazyk výuky angličtina
Rozsah výuky 4p+4s
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Cíle studia
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Osnovy přednášek
Arithmetic progressions, geometric progressions.
Infinite series.
Analytical geometry in 2-D space, coordinate systems.
Equation of a line in 2-D space.
Distance from a point to a line.
Relative position of two lines in 2-D space.
Conic sections in 2-D space.
Representations of conic sections on the coordinate plane and their equations.
Analytical geometry in 3-D space.
Equation of a line in 3-D space. Equation of a plane in 3-D space.
The relative position of lines and planes in space.
Limit of a function, algebraic limit theorem.
Introduction to differentiation, arithmetic of derivatives.
Introduction to integration, primitive functions.
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