
B242 - Summer 2024/2025
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Nanotechnology - AE0B13NNT

Credits 4
Semesters Both
Completion Assessment + Examination
Language of teaching English
Extent of teaching 2P+2S
The course is under way of essential convergence of the nano-bio-info fields in nanoscale. The lectures are focused on the characterization of nanostructures, growth of fractals and nanostructures and self-assembly of nanostructures, top-down and bottom-up processes, nanomaterials like nanotubes and graphene, application in nano-electro-mechanical systems, new materials, medicine, new sources of energy, and bio-inspired nano-structures like atificial tissues.Effects of the nanoscale onto sintering processes and plasma treatmets of materials are discussed.
Study targets
The aim of the course nanotechnology is comprehension of current nanotechnologies for the inspiration of a new kind of solution of technological problems and for the better communication with professionals in other fields.
Course outlines
1 Introduction
2 Diagnostics of nanostructures
3 Fractals, diffusion limited aggregation
4 Physics of colloids
5 Application of colloids physics in NNT
6 Carbon nanomaterials
7 Nanomaterials
8 Inorganic nanomaterials
9 Plasma physics
10 Sparking plasma sintering
11 Vertical morphology of nanostructures
12 Horizontal nanostructures
13 Nanoelectronics
14 DNA, Biomimetics, Drag targeted transport
Exercises outlines
1 Introduction
2 Optical and atomic force microscopy (AFM)
3 Synthesis and structure of polymers
4 Properties of polymers
5 Polymer nano-composites
6 Thin layers physics
7 Thin layers technology
8 Diagnostics of el. properties of layers
9 Growth of spherolits from polymer melt
10 Epitaxial growth
11 Lithography
12 Excursion
13 Growth of fractals
14 Test in exercises, Credits

[1] M.Daoud, C.E. Williams (ed.): Soft Matter Physics. Springer 1999, ISBN 3-540-64852-6

[2] J. Zhang et al: Self-Assembled Nanostructures. Kluver Academic/Plenum Publisher 2003, ISBN 0-306-47299-6

[3] B. Bhushan (ed.): Handbook of Nanotechnology. Springer 1st ed. 2004, ISBN: 3-540-01218-4, e-ISBN: 978-3-540-29838-0. Springer 2nd ed. 2007 ISBN-10: 3-540-29855-X, e-ISBN: 3-540-29857-6

[4] K. Goser et al: Nanoelectronics and Nanosystems. Springer 2004, ISBN 3-540-40443-0

5) Z. Weis, G. Simha-Martynková, O. Šustai: Nanostruktura uhlíkatých materiálů. VŠB- Technická univerzita Ostrava 2005, ISBN 80-7329-083-9

6) A. A. Tseng: Nanofabrication - Fundamentals and Applications. World Scientific 2008, ISBN 13 978-981-270-542-6, ISBN 10 981-270-542-2

7) J. Shrbená, K. Šperlink: Nanotechnologies in the Czech Republic. ČSNMT Prague 2012, ISBN 978-80-7216-312-0

8) Walter J. Moore: Physical Chemistry. Prentice Hall, Engelwood Clifts, New Jersey, USA

9) Walter J. Moore: Fyzikáílní chemie. Praha, SNTL 1981

The course is based on the secondary knowledge of mathematics and natural sciences - physics, chemistry and biology.