Individual Project

B232 - Letní 23/24
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Individual Project - AE1M13IND

Kredity 6
Semestry zimní
Zakončení zápočet
Jazyk výuky angličtina
Rozsah výuky 4L
Independent work in the form of a project. A student will choose a topic from a range of topics related to his or her branch of study, which will be specified by branch department or branch departments. The project will be defended within the framework of a subject. \\Výsledek studentské ankety předmětu je zde:
Cíle studia
Student verifies his / her qualification for individual processing of the given problem of a more complex nature and tries to state his / her way of solving.
Osnovy přednášek
Week 1-12: Work on a project.
Week 13-14: Processing of a Final Report
Osnovy cvičení
The subject has no training.
In dependence on a topic of a project.
No prerequisities.