Multimedia signal synthesis

B232 - Letní 23/24
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Multimedia signal synthesis - AE2B31SMS

Kredity 6
Semestry zimní
Zakončení zápočet a zkouška
Jazyk výuky angličtina
Rozsah výuky 2P+2C
This course introduces the fundamentals of sound synthesis algorithms (everyday, music and speech), digital audio effects and sonification. Multimedia synthetic signals are used in modern digital systems, virtual reality systems, computer animations, games and film. Understanding of theoretical concepts will be consolidated through practical programming assignments in Matlab.
Cíle studia
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Osnovy přednášek
1. Introduction to digital audio signal synthesis; musical scale generator
2. Wavetable synthesis; time expansion and compression, time envelopes
3. Concatenative and granular synthesis; parameters, synchronous and asynchronous
4. Additive synthesis and spectral modelling; periodical nonharmonic signals
5. Phase vocoder; signal modification in frequency domain
6. Subtractive synthesis; excitation sources, simple filters, equalizers, color noise
7. Formant synthesis; Klatt synthesizer, cascade and parallel configuration, FOF
8. Linear prediction; cross synthesis speech and music, non-speech sound modelling
9. Modulation synthesis; AM, tremolo, FM, vibrato, alarm, everyday sounds and tools
10. Nonlinear and waveshaping synthesis; Chebyshev polynomials, limiters, distortion
11. Delay effects; echo, reverb, comb and all-pass filters
12. Spatial effects; Doppler effect, panning, hall, Schroeder?s reverb
13. Introduction to physical modelling; digital waveguides, Karplus-Strong algorithm
14. Sonification of biological signals (ECG, EMG, EEG, FCG, EOG), applications
Osnovy cvičení
1. Musical scale, Morse code; aliasing, quantization and compression simulation
2. Time and frequency scale modification, clarinet and banjo wavetable synthesis
3. Concatenative speech synthesis, "sci-fi" sound synthesis
4. Birdcall, brass, bells, gongs, cymbals, banjo, cllarinet and phone synthesis
5. Length changes of audio signals, pitch shift, noise enhancement
6. Synthesis of percussion, plane, wind, waves, violin, steps , consonant "s"
7. Formant synthesis of vowels, music instrument and animal voice
8. Speech, guitar, piano and hammer resynthesis; "cross" synthesis music and speech
9. Vibrato, tremolo, coins, bubles, alarms, klepání, dřevo, klarinet, žestě, zvony
10. Application of waveshaping to plucked string instruments, percussion and speech
11. Digital reverb implementation (cellar, shover, cathedral)
12. Spatial effects in sérech and music
13. Guitar, harp, piano and drums synthesis
14. Sonification of EEG, ECG, FCG, EMG
Miranda, E.R.: Computer Sound Design, ISBN 0-240-51693-1, Focal Press, Oxford, 2002
Zölzer, U.: DAFX - Digital Audio Effects, ISBN: 0-471-49078-4, John Wiley & Sons, 2002
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