Data networks

B232 - Letní 23/24
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Data networks - AE2B32DAT

Kredity 5
Semestry zimní
Zakončení zápočet a zkouška
Jazyk výuky angličtina
Rozsah výuky 2P + 2C
The course introduces students to the basics of communication in a variety of data networks. The aim of the course is to provide a more comprehensive view of communication protocol for specific types most commonly used data networks according to the RM-layer OSI model. The course also allows students to look into ways of communicating with TCP/IP in the Internet, including the possibility of a practical realization of the data network in laboratory conditions using real equipment.

\\Výsledek studentské ankety předmětu je zde:
Cíle studia
Student is able to understand principles of communication in data networks, not to say in the Internet.
Osnovy přednášek
1. Introduction. Basic concepts, historical overview.
2. Methods of communication, layered models, networks topologies.
3. Application protocols - socket, web, telnet
4. Transport layer protocols (TCP and UDP).
5. Domain Name System - DNS.
6. E-mail - basic principles and protocols.
7. Structure of IP datagram and its functions, auxiliary protocols (ARP, RARP and ICMP).
8. Network addresses and their division into classes, address translation.
9. Routing protocols in data networks (RIP, OSPF and BGPv4).
10. Local data networks, virtual LANs (VLAN and STP).
11. Technology of Ethernet, version, access methods.
12. How to access to the Internet (xDSL, CATV, mobile, PPP).
13. Convergence of LAN and WAN (MPLS, VPN, PPP).
14. Trends in data networks.
Osnovy cvičení
1. Preliminary exercises, health and safety, conditions of granting credit, introduction to the lab.
2. The basics of configuration and control of devices in the Lab
3. Lab: Cabling system
4. Lab: Wireshark, TCP UDP analysis
5. Lab: Domain Name System
6. Lab: E-mail
7. Lab: DHCP and NAT
8. Project definition
9. Lab: Routing
10. Lab: Virtual LAN
11. Lab: SpanningTree
12. Lab: ADSL router
13. The compensatory exercise
14. Assessment
Halsall, F. Data Communications, Computer Networks and Open Systéme. Addison-Wesley, Fourth Edition, 1996, ISBN 0-201-42293-X
Comer, D.: Internetworking with TCP/IP. Principles, Protocols, and Architectures. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall, 1988
1) The presence at all laboratory classes is compulsory.
2) Evaluation is as 50% exam, 30% project and 20% of laboratory exercises.