Antenna Design and Technology

B242 - Summer 2024/2025
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Antenna Design and Technology - B0M17NKA

Credits 5
Semesters Winter
Completion Assessment + Examination
Language of teaching Czech
Extent of teaching 2P+2L
Basics of practical antenna design for selected frequency bands and communication, identification and radar services. Modelling (full-wave analysis), design relationships and specifics of antenna construction using professional software tools. Design and manufacture of antenna sample. Practical measurements.
Study targets
Practical design of antennas for specific frequency bands, modeling, design and construction of antenna and antenna systems.
Course outlines
1. Microstrip antennas - multiband, circular polarization, arrays.
2. Small antennas I.
3. Small antennas II.
4. RFID and wearable antennas
5. Car antennas and antennas for automotive radar sensors
6. Reflector antennas
7. Helix antennas
8. Electromagnetic modelling of radiating structures
9. Characteristic mode theory, quality factor
10. Antenna systems for 5G standard
11. Symmetrisation and transformation elements in antenna technology
12. Wideband antennas - spirals, cone dipoles
13. Wideband horn antennas
14. Project presentations

Exercises outlines
1. Microstrip antennas, transmission line model (project 1)
2. Electromagnetic modelling of antennas
3. Small antennas, design and modelling (project 2)
4. Small antennas, project solution
5. RFID and wearable antennas, read range calculation, experiment
6. Reflector antennas, radiation pattern calculation with: waveguide aperture, horn antenna and Hertz dipole radiator, (project 3)
7. Reflector antennas, project solution
8. Electromagnetic modelling of radiating structures
9. Characteristic mode theory, calculation of energy, radiating power and quality factor of wire antennas
10. Artificial materials in antenna technology, design, properties, experiment
11. Balancing and transformation elements in antenna technology, differential impedance measurement
12. Helix antennas ? design and modelling of dualband helix antenna
13. Wideband horn antennas
14. Presentation of projects

1.Johnson, C.R.: Antenna Engineering Handbook. McGraw-Hill, Inc., London,
2.Mott, H.: Antennas for Radar and Communications. John Wiley and Sons,
Inc., New York, 1992
3.Milligan, T.A.: Modern Antenna Design. McGraw-Hill Book Company. London,
4.Balanis, A.: Antenna Theory. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1997
5.Kraus, J.D., Marhefka, J.: Antennas For All Applications. Tata,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 2003