Network Technologies

B242 - Summer 2024/2025
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Network Technologies - B2B32STE

Credits 4
Semesters Winter
Completion Assessment + Examination
Language of teaching Czech
Extent of teaching 2P + 2C
The primary task of this subject is to move further already acquired fundamental networking knowledge in the context of Data Networks subject. Students will comprehend working principles of various methods to access common shared physical media, Ethernet switching technologies and WiFi networks and last but not least they will also master an essential networking theory as used in real practice. Students will be given a chance to get in touch with technology to implement simple routed and switched networks in the university network lab.
Study targets
The primary task of this subject is to move further already acquired fundamental networking knowledge in the context of Data Networks subject. Students will comprehend working principles of various methods to access common shared physical media, Ethernet switching technologies and WiFi networks and last but not least they will also master an essential networking theory as used in real practice. Students will be given a chance to get in touch with technology to implement simple routed and switched networks in the university network lab.
Course outlines
1. Subject description and intro. Key basic networking terms and concepts summary and reminder, OSI reference model of data networking
2. The analyse of various media access methods (deterministic and random)
3. Ethernet LAN architecture - physical and MAC layers
4. WiFi network with distributed or centralized kontrol and real-time data network
5. Local area network virtualization
6. Architecture and design of moder access network. Metropolitan network
7. Resilient networks, network reliability and availability, load balancing
8. Data link protocols v Wide Area Networks and their virtualization
9. Routing fundamentals in IP networks, routers' and multilayer switches' architectures, Data Center Networks
10. Distributed Bellman-Ford algorithm as used in RIP routing protocol
11. Distributed Dijkstra algorithm as used in OSPF routing protocol
12. Network address translation and traffic filtering at network and transport layers
13. Quality of Service Assurance in IP network, network service classes
14. Inteligent WAN network, Content Delivery Networks
Exercises outlines
1. Introduction to networking lab management and operation.
2. Omnet++
3. Lab. Virtual network
4. Semestral project work, workshop
5. Resiliency in LAN networks, Spanning tree protocol
6. Semestral project work, workshop
7. Fundamental routing lab networking experiments , RIP protocol
8. Semestral project work, Semestral test
9. Fundamental routing lab networking experiments , OSPF protocol
10. Semestral project work, workshop
11. Network address translation network experiments
12. Semestral project work, workshop
13. Students' semestral projects presentations.
Dye M., McDonald R.: Network Fundamentals, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide, Cisco Press, 2007, ISBN: 1-58713-203-6
Graziani R., Johnson A.: Routing Protocols and Concepts, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide, Cisco Press, 2007, ISBN: 1-58713-204-4
Lewis W.: LAN Switching and Wireless, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide, Cisco Press, 2008, ISBN: 1-58713-202-8
required knowledge of subject Data Networks