This is a grouped Moodle course. It consists of several separate courses that share learning materials, assignments, tests etc. Below you can see information about the individual courses that make up this Moodle course.

Circuit Technology - B3B38OTE

Main course
Credits 4
Semesters Summer
Completion Assessment + Examination
Language of teaching Czech
Extent of teaching 2P+2L
Basic types of circuits and blocks of digital measuring instruments are described and analysed. Range and linearity for analogue circuits and interfaces for digital circuits are analysed in detail.
Course outlines
1. General structure of digital measuring devices and signal generators
2. Directly coupled amplifiers and attenuators,
3. Insulating and modulating amplifiers
4. Mean value and RMS converters, peak detectors
5. Frequency conversion, oscillators, mixers
6. Reference voltage and current sources, harmonic and function generators
7. Measurement chain and signal channel design - signal ranges, linearity and noise.
8. Switching and coupling circuits
9. Time and amplitude signal quantization, samplers, errors
10. Advanced analogue-to-digital converters
11. Digital-to-analogue converters, signal reconstruction
12. Frequency and phase digital measurement blocks, phase synchronization, direct digital synthesis
13. Interface circuits for standard buses and interfaces
14. Rules for design of analogue and digital parts from the point of view on electromagnetic compatibility
Exercises outlines
Laboratory exercises in the half of the semester will deploy both SW and HW models of basic electronic blocks and measurement circuits. Finally, individual projects including block design, model realization and parameters verification are solved and presented. Its successful defense and good results from two written tests are the necessary part of the final assessment.
Stephan, K.: Analog and Mixed-Signal Electronics, 1st Edition. Wiley 2015, ISBN: 978-1-118-78266-8.

Circuit Technologies - B3B38OTE1

Credits 6
Semesters Summer
Completion Assessment + Examination
Language of teaching Czech
Extent of teaching 2P+2L
Students will get acquainted with the basic types of circuits and structural blocks of digital instruments and equipment. Emphasis is placed on the continuity of individual circuits in terms of accuracy in analog or. analog-to-digital circuits.
1. Structure of digital measuring instruments and signal generators
2. Directly coupled amplifiers and attenuators
3. Isolation and modulation amplifiers
4. Circuits for conversion of mean and rms value, peak detectors
5. Circuits for frequency signal conditioning, oscillators, mixers
6. Reference voltage and current sources, sine and function generators
7. Design of strings and channels of analog blocks - signal levels, linearity, interference
8. Switching and coupling circuits
9. Time and amplitude discretization of signal, samplers, errors
10. Advanced analog-to-digital converters
11. Digital-to-analog converters, signal reconstruction
12. Digital circuits for frequency and phase measurement, phase synchronization, direct digital synthesis
13. Circuits for the implementation of interfaces for connection to buses
14. Design of analog and digital part in terms of self-radiation and resistance to interference
The laboratory exercises of the first part of the semester take place on suitable universal preparations, enabling students to work with HW in an efficient and at the same time creative way. In the second part of the semester, laboratory exercises will be solved in the form of an individual project, the content of which is the design and implementation of a model of an analog signal preprocessing block and comparison of its properties with a professional product.
Study targets
understanding of the basic building blocks of modern electronic devices, ability of complete design of modern electronic device
Course outlines
1. Structure of digital measurement instruments and signal generators
2. Directly-coupled amplifiers and attenuators
3. Isolation and modulation amplifiers
4. Mean and rms conversion circuits, peak detectors
5. Signal frequency conditioning circuits, oscillators, mixers
6. Voltage and current reference sources, sine wave and function generators
7. Analog block chain and channel design - signal levels, linearity, interference
8. Switching and coupling circuits
9. Time and amplitude signal discretization, samplers, errors
10. Advanced analog-to-digital converters
11. Analog-to-digital converters, signal reconstruction
12. Digital circuits for frequency and phase measurement, phase synchronization, direct digital synthesis
13. Circuits for the implementation of interfaces for connection to buses
14. Design of analogue and digital parts in terms of intrinsic radiation and immunity to interference

Exercises outlines
Effect of common-mode interference
Voltage amplifiers
Differential and instrumentation amplifier
Single supply voltage amplifiers
Amplifier with equipotential shielding
Integration and sampling amplifiers
Second order Filters
Logarithmic and exponential amplifier
Mean and rms converters
Project, e.g. capacitive level sensor
Stephan, K.: Analog and Mixed-Signal Electronics, 1st Edition. Wiley 2015, ISBN: 978-1-118-78266-8
Vedral, Svatoš: Analog Signal Processing and Digitization in Measurement. Česká technika, 2020. ISBN: 978-80-01-06717-8
Exam, lab attendance, submission of lab reports.