Introduction to Project Management

B242 - Summer 2024/2025
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Introduction to Project Management - B6B36ZPR

Credits 3
Semesters Winter
Completion Graded Assessment
Language of teaching undefined
Extent of teaching 4P+4C+2D
The course introduces students to the general (not only IT) basics of project management. In addition to basic project management concepts (planning, organization, etc.) students also get practical experiences from team cooperation (information sharing, communication, etc.). All presented topics are practiced and extended in the consecutive courses.
Study targets
The course graduates are aware of project management aspects. They know and understand project management and team cooperation basics. They are also able to use tools, necessary for software development in a team - for example, issue tracker, wiki, etc.
Course outlines
1. Course introduction, project infrastructure, and documentation - repository, wiki, issue tracking system.
2. Project definition, project characteristics, and phases, introduction to team organization and cooperation.
3. Introduction to project planning, project management, and quality assurance, project evaluation.
4. IT project management in practice, typical project issues, project management best practices.
Exercises outlines
1. Introduction - course, project repository, and issue tracking system; creating teams and projects assignment.
2. Project documentation - vision, working on the project.
3. Project plan, working on the project.
4. The final project presentation, closing project.
Recommended literature (in Czech):
J. Doležal, J. Krátký, Projektový management v praxi, Naučte se řídit projekty!, Grada, 2016
A. Svozilová, Projektový management, Systémový přístup k řízení projektů - 3., aktualizované a rozšířené vydání, GRADA, 2016
M. D. Rosenau, Řízení projektů, Computer Press, 2003
No prerequisites are required