Review of Physics 1

B242 - Summer 2024/2025
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Review of Physics 1 - BE0B02RP1

Credits 8
Semesters Winter
Completion Assessment + Examination
Language of teaching English
Extent of teaching 4p+4s
Course outlines
1) Units, System of units. Reference frame.
2) Kinematics. Trajectory, Position vector, Velocity, Acceleration.
3) Dynamics. Newton's laws. Inertial reference frame.
4) Galilean-Transformation. Non-inertial reference frame.
5) Work and Power. Conservation of mechanical energy law.
6) Rigid body. Centre of gravity. Equilibrium of rigid body.
7) Rotation of rigid body. Translational motion versus Rotational motion.
8) Gravitational field. Newton's law of universal gravitation.
9) Gravity near the earth surface. Gravitational acceleration. Gravitational potential.
10) Gravitational potential energy and Escape velocity. Kepler's laws.
11) Simple harmonic motion. Kinematics of simple harmonic motion.
12) Dynamics of simple harmonic motion.
13) Pendulum. Forced oscillations, Resonance.
1. Halliday, D., Resnick, R., Walker, J.: Fyzika, VUTIUM-PROMETHEUS, 2000.
2. Physics I - Seminars, M. Murla, S. Pekárek, Vydavatelství ČVUT, 1995.