Manufacturing of Electronic Equipment

B232 - Letní 23/24
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Manufacturing of Electronic Equipment - BE1M13VEZ

Kredity 5
Semestry zimní
Zakončení zápočet a zkouška
Jazyk výuky angličtina
Rozsah výuky 2P+2L
Mechanical and electrical design. The electric contact. Joining of conductors. Cooling of components and equipment. Printed circuit boards fabrication. Soldering in electronics. Electromagnetic compatibility of electronic equipment. Protection of components and equipment sensitive on electrostatic field. Certification, accreditation, quality control and quality assurance.
Cíle studia
Survey of modern methods of production of electronic devices capable of competition.
Osnovy přednášek
1.Mechanical and electrical design of electronics equipment
2.Electrical contacts. Basic feature. Application.
3.Mechanical, metallurgical and adhesive joints in electronics
4.Influence of environmentalism on construction and materials of joints.
5. PCBs of different types including flexible PCBs
6. Assembly in electronics - THT
7. Assembly in electronics - SMT
8.Production facility for assembly electronics
9. Temperature conditions of components and equipment. Thermostats, cooling, heat pipe.
10.Manufacturing, operating and working environment.
11. Protection of components and equipment sensitive on electrostatic discharge
12. Electromagnetic compatibility. Shielding of workplaces and equipment
13.In-production control, control of electronic production
14.ISO 9000, ISO 14 000, control and assurance of quality

Osnovy cvičení
1.Safety of operation in laboratories. Instructions of tasks.
2.Joints, jointing in electronics.
3.Electromechanical contact systems.
4.Measurement of contact resistance of contacts.
5.Fabrication of solder and adhesive joints.
6. Measurement of parameters of soldering and adhesives joints.
7.Electrostatic discharge sensitive components (ESDS).
8.Measurement of temperature in electronic equipment
9.Visit to factory: manufacturing of electronics equipment.
10. Video demonstration - product equipment .
11. Mounting and repair PCB - manufacturing samples - part 1.
12. Mounting and repair PCB - manufacturing samples - part 2.
13.Shielding technology - demonstration and measurement of samples.
14.Evaluation of reports from measurements. A credit.
1 Hwang, J. S. Modern Solder Technology for Competetive Electronics
Manufacturing. McGraw-Hill, New York 1996.
2 Sung Jim Kim, Sang Woo Lee. Air Cooling Technology for Electronic
Equipment. CRC Press, Inc. New York. 1996
3 Lee, Ning-Cheng: Reflow Soldering Processes and Troubleshooting: SMT, BGA, CSP and Flip Chip Technologies, Newnes, Butterworth-Heinemann, USA, 2002
A student has to obtain a credit before an examination.