User Interface Design

B242 - Summer 2024/2025
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User Interface Design - BE4M39NUR

Credits 6
Semesters Winter
Completion Assessment + Examination
Language of teaching English
Extent of teaching 2P+2S
Students will get acquainted with the theory of human-computer
communication and interaction (formal description of user interfaces,
formal user models, the fundamentals of perception, cognition, and
user information evaluation).
Study targets
Students will get acquainted with the theory of human-computer
communication and interaction (formal description of user interfaces,
formal user models, the fundamentals of perception, cognition, and
user information evaluation).
Course outlines
1.Introduction in user interface design. Input device. User categories
2.User behavior. Creation of persons and their usage in UI design
3.Formal UI description/UI models (state diagrams, Petri nets?)
4.Cognitive aspects of UI design. Information processing in human brain
5.Advanced methods of investigation of psychological aspects of UI design
6.UI models. User models.
7.Theoretical foundations of UI design
8.Tools for UI specification
9.Design cycle of UI design. Roles of individual members of the UI design team
10.Documentation of UI design process (processing of test results, form of documentation ..)
11.Advanced methods for investigation of ergonomic aspects of UI design
12.Special UI (UIs for seniors, mobile applications,...)
13. Intelligent UIs,. Methods for visual presentation of information
14. New trends in HCI (CHI minutes)
Exercises outlines
1. Presentation of semestral projects , definition of project groups.
2. Semestral projects assignements.
3. Consultations.
4.-5.User research (creation of persons) - D1.
5.-6. UI analysis (HTA, state diagrams, CCT, atd.) - D2.
7.-10. Low - Med-Fidelity prototype - D3.
11.-13. High-Fidelity prototype - D4.
14. Presentation of the final report.
1.Disman, M. Jak se vyrábí sociologická znalost: příručka pro uživatele. Praha: Karolinum, 2000. ISBN 80-246-0139-7.
2.Žára, J., Beneš, B., Sochor, J., Felkel, P. Moderní počítačová grafika (2. vydání). Praha: Computer Press, 2005. ISBN 80-251-0454-0.
3.Shneiderman, B., Plaisant, C. Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction (4th Edition). Addison Wesley, 2004. ISBN 0321197860.
4.Nielsen, J. Usability Engineering. Morgan Kaufmann, 1993. ISBN0125184069.
5.Preece, J., Rogers, Y., Sharp, H., Benyon, D., Holland, S., Carey, T. Human-Computer Interaction: Concepts And Design. Addison Wesley, 1994. ISBN 0201627698.
6. Kuniavsky, M. Observing the User Experience: A Practitioner's Guide to User Research. Morgan Kaufmann, 2003. ISBN 1558609237.
No requirements.