This is a grouped Moodle course. It consists of several separate courses that share learning materials, assignments, tests etc. Below you can see information about the individual courses that make up this Moodle course.

Psychology - B0M16PSM

Main course
Credits 5
Semesters Both
Completion Assessment + Examination
Language of teaching Czech
Extent of teaching 2P+2S
No data.
1.Hogan, R., Smither, R.: Personality - Theories and Applications. Westview Press, 2001
2.Covey, R.S.: The 7 habbits of Highly Efective People. Free press, New York.
3. ARNOLD, J., RANDALL, R. (ed.), Work Psychology. New York 2010

Psychology for managers - B0B16MPL

Credits 2
Semesters Both
Completion Exam
Language of teaching Czech
Extent of teaching 2P+0S
No data.
1. LEVY, P. E.: Industrial Organizational Psychology. New York, Worth Publishers 2013
2. BALZAC, S. R.: Organizational Psychology for Managers. New York, Springer 2014

Management psychology - A0B16MPL

Credits 2
Semesters Both
Completion Exam
Language of teaching undefined
Extent of teaching 2+0s
Psychology of personality, psychology of work and organization. Psychology in human resources management. The manager, his role and competencies. Motivation and engagement. Skills development. Communication and conflict resolution. Work group and team, conducting meetings. Time management and delegation. Dealing with stress and emotions. Company culture and organizational change.
Study targets
Students will be introduced to importance of psychology in practice of management and human resources. Focus will be on the role of manager´s personality, attitudes, behaviors and communication in creating impact on his team. Theories of personality, intelligence, motivation and emotions will be presented as well as current methods of assessment. Approaches to building engagement and facilitating development will be discussed (coaching, empowerment, delegation, situational leadership). Selected techniques will be practiced during exercises (active listening, feedback, asertive request etc.). The knowledge and skills acquired are applicable in the workplace as well as in daily life.
Course outlines
1. Introduction of the subject. Psychology in management practice.
2. Psychology of communication I: Communication as a management tool. Feedback.
3. Psychology of communication II: Nonverbal communication, emotions, lying. Active listening.
4. Psychology of personality I and II: Personality and intelligence. Assessment methods and tools.
5. Negotiation and conflict resolution: Interpersonal conflict. Mediation, assertiveness and principial negotiation.
6. People management systems I: Competencies and competency models. Assessment of competencies: 360-degree feedback and behavioral interview.
7. Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Autonomy and participation.
8. People management systems II: Development of skills. Coaching and mentoring.
9. Team work I: Management and leadership. Leadership style and situational decision making.
10. Team work II: Group dynamic and cooperation in a team. Team roles. Team development.
11. Company culture and climate. Implementing organizational change.
12. Self development I: Stress and self management.
13. Self development II: Time management and delegation.
14. Review of the subject. Q and A session. Model test questions.
Exercises outlines
Exercises are conducted in experiential approach and focus on development of communication, social and management skills using model situations and management games.
No data.

Psychology - A0M16MPS

Credits 4
Semesters Both
Completion Assessment + Examination
Language of teaching Czech
Extent of teaching 2+2s
No data.
1. LEVY, P. E.: Industrial Organizational Psychology. New York, Worth Publishers 2013
2. BALZAC, S. R.: Organizational Psychology for Managers. New York, Springer 2014

Psychology - B0M16MPS

Credits 4
Semesters Both
Completion Assessment + Examination
Language of teaching Czech
Extent of teaching 2P+2S
No data.
1.Hogan, R., Smither, R.: Personality - Theories and Applications. Westview Press, 2001
2.Covey, R.S.: The 7 habbits of Highly Efective People. Free press, New York.
3. ARNOLD, J., RANDALL, R. (ed.), Work Psychology. New York 2010