This is a grouped Moodle course. It consists of several separate courses that share learning materials, assignments, tests etc. Below you can see information about the individual courses that make up this Moodle course.

Team Project - A1B13TP1

Main course
Credits 4
Semesters Summer
Completion Assessment
Language of teaching Czech
Extent of teaching 2P+2S
Teamwork in the form of a project. A team will choose a topic from a range of topics related to its branch of study, which will be specified by branch department or branch departments. The project will be defended within the framework of a subject.
To get credits student has to satisfactory finish his/her project. Additional information exists on web page of the course.

Team Project - A1M13TP1

Credits 5
Semesters Summer
Completion Assessment
Language of teaching Czech
Extent of teaching 2P+2S
Teamwork in the form of a project. A team will choose a topic from a range of topics related to its branch of study, which will be specified by branch department or branch departments. The project will be defended within the framework of a subject.
To get credits student has to satisfactory finish his/her project. Additional information exists on web page of the course.