Environmental Science - BV002ZIP

Credits 2
Semesters Winter
Completion Exam
Language of teaching Czech
Extent of teaching 2P
Attention is devoted to the basis of ecology, to the growth of human population, to the capitalization of energy and to other resources of the biosphere. The pollution of water, soil, and air together with a waste treatment is evaluated. The impact of mechanic, electric, magnetic fields and chemical components to environment is also discussed. Economy, law and morality in relation to environment are dealt with.
Study targets
To encrease ecological literacy and development of thinking on environmental topics.
Course outlines
1. Environmental Survey of the Czech Republic and of the World.
2. Environmental Laws. Civilization on the Earth. Degradation of the Environment.
3. People and World?s Geography. Human Population.
4. Industrial Civilization.
5. Air and Air Pollution. Climate Change.
6. Water. Soil. Forestry.
7. Strategy of Sustainable Development. Environmental Economy.
8. Toxicology and Human Health.
9. Sustaining Biodiversity.
10. Energy Resources.
11. Food Resources.
12. Solid and Hazardous Waste.
13. Physical Factors of Environment. Mechanical and Electrical Fields.
14. Thermal and Light Comfort. Ionizing Radiation.
1. Miller, G.T., Spoolman S.: Living in the Environment 20e. ISBN: 978-0-357-14220,  2021
2. Wright R.T., Boorse D.: Environmental Science: Toward a Sustainable Future, ISBN 0321811291 (ISBN13: 9780321811295), 2014
3. Myers N., Spoolman S.: Environmental Issues and Solutions. ISBN-13:978-1-4354-6232-8, 2014
4. Sustainable development in the European Union Monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in an EU context, Publications Office of the European Union, 2023
5. Haberle G.:Umwelttechnik fur Schule und Beruf. Verlag Europa-Lehrmittel, Nourney, Vollmer GmbH&Co.,42781 Haan-Gruiten Germany 2000
6. Kadrnožka J.: Energie a globální oteplování, Nakladatelství VUT IUM 2006
7. Report on the Environment CR, Prague 2022
oral examination, case study (5 pages)