Construction of Telecommunication Devices - A0B32KTE

Credits 4
Semesters Summer
Completion Graded Assessment
Language of teaching Czech
Extent of teaching 2P + 2L
The aim of this course is to familiarize students with the practical design of communication systems. Subject further continues with explanation of system design procedures and requirements on its parts. It all with respecting of theirs EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility). The key part of lessons is laboratory measurements and work on projects, where the students will be dealing with design, construction, configuration and measurement of communication system blocks.
Study targets
The aim of this course is to familiarize students with the practical design of communication systems. Subject further continues with explanation of system design procedures and requirements on its parts. It all with respecting of theirs EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility). The key part of lessons is laboratory measurements and work on projects, where the students will be dealing with design, construction, configuration and measurement of communication system blocks.

Course outlines
1. Introduction. Standard methods for development and construction versus embedded and 3D prototyping.
2. Implementation and Project Management of rapid development using the concept of embedded devices, including firmware design and development.
3. Standard process: research - development - production of (tele)communication technology devices.
4. Methods for assembling and connecting (mechanical design, standard interface and power supply, application of blocking and filtering elements) of communication devices.
5. Analysis of the concept of electromagnetic compatibility ( EMC ), legislative and standardization issues and the relationship to the design of electrical equipment and systems.
6. Electromagnetic interference ( EMI).
7. Electromagnetic susceptibility (EMS ) .
8. System Solutions I. Radio frequency identification technology - interface for the Internet of things.
9. System Solutions II . Internet of Things - from hardware to services.
10. Design of systems for the data transmission (Ethernet, SDH, PLC , Bluetooth , WIFI, FSO) .
11. Design of mobile and smart phones - from GSM to LTE.
12. Communication and power distribution, protection of devices against surges.
13. Grounding and shielding.
14. EMC intelligent buildings, the coexistence of various communication technologies.

Exercises outlines
1. Introduction. Safety in the laboratory . The issue of the level of gain and attenutaiton. Introduction of individual projects "Optical interfaces " and "embedded RFID and NFC ."
2. Surface Mount Technology (SMT ) - Excursions to specialized ( LVR CTU ). Methodology for EMI and EMS measurement.
3. Measurement and consultation of individual project "Optical Interface".
4. Measurement and consultation of individual project " Embedded RFID and NFC ."
5. Lab. A. Practice for soldering. Construction of the wireless microphone.
6. Lab. B. EMS measurement.
7. Lab. C. EMS measurement.
8. Lab. D. Measurement of the interference between signals and power lines .
9. Lab. E. Measurement of basic parameters of the GSM technology .
10. Lab. F. Measurement and optimization of HF / UHF RFID technology, signal and noise in RFID .
11. Lab. G+ I. Wireless networks ; analysis of the local loop.
12. Assessment test.
13. Reserve measurements.
14. Assessment.
[1] Brown, S. - Vranesic, Z. Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design with CD-ROM. 2 ed., McGraw-Hill, 2004, 939 p., ISBN 07-249938-9
[2] Havlan, M. - Šedivý, M. Konstrukce telekomunikačních zařízení - Přednášky. 1. vyd. Praha: Vydavatelství ČVUT, 2005. 234 s. ISBN 80-01-03134-9.
[3] Finkenzeller, K., Muller, D., RFID Handbook, 3rd Edition, Willey 2010, 478 p
Pro udělení klasifikovaného zápočtu musí být splněny následující podmínky:
1. Úspěšné odevzdání protokolů z úloh A - I na minimálně 50 %, vždy do následujícího cvičení. Opravy jsou možné, ale nejpozději do 13. týdne.
2. Úspěšné odevzdání a obhájení samostatného projektů "Optická rozhraní" a "Embedded, RFID a NFC" (hodnotí se funkčnost řešení, prezentace a znalost vlastního kódu:-).
3. 100% účast na cvičení. Předem omluvená neúčast bude bez zbytečného prodlení nahrazena podle pokynů vyučujícího. Pro cvičení, které již proběhlo, lze neúčast omluvit pouze z důvodů hodných zvláštního zřetele (např. z důvodu nemoci doložené potvrzením od lékaře).
4. Úspěšné absolvování zápočtového testu na minimálně 50 %.