Photovoltaic Systems - A5M13FVS

Credits 4
Semesters Summer
Completion Graded Assessment
Language of teaching Czech
Extent of teaching 2P+2L
Solar energy and its exploitation using photovoltaic systems. Photovoltaic phenomena, solar cells and their characteristics, solar modules (construction, technology, parameters). Photovoltaic systems (including energy conservation). Photovoltaic system applications, optimisation of operating conditions. Basic economical and ecological aspects, present trends.
Study targets
To give students detail information about photovoltaic sources (cells, modules, structure and technology), photovoltaic szstems and their applications
Course outlines
1. Solar energy (spectra, geographic position and climate influence).
2. Photovoltaic effect.
3. Solar cells, basic structure and characteristics.
4. Single-crystalline, poly-crystalline and thin film solar cells.
5. Construction and technology of high-efficient solar cells.
6. Construction and technology of solar modules.
7. Modules with concentrators, hybrid systems.
8. Photovoltaic systems - basic types.
9. Stand alone systems. Grid-on systems.
10.Energy storage for photovoltaic systems.
11.Photovoltaic systems applications.
12.Optimisation of PV system operating conditions.
13.Economical and ecological aspects of photovoltaic.
14.Present trends in the field of photovoltaic.
Exercises outlines
1.Organisation, introduction.
2.Laboratory measurements on solar cells - explanation.
3.Comparison of V-A characteristics of different types of solar cells.
4.Measurements of Influence of series resistance on characteristics of solar cells.
5.Measurements of Influence of parallel resistance of solar cells.
6.Measurements of temperature dependence of solar cell parameters.
7.Fabrication of silicon solar cells - explanation with samples.
8.Laboratory measurements on solar cells - explanation.
9.Measurements of solar module characteristics.
10.Measurements on a solar module - dc load system.
11.Measurements on a solar module - regulator - battery - dc load system.
12.Measurements on a solar module - dc/dc - dc/ac system.
13.Photovoltaic system design (simulation).
14.A credit.
1. Goetberger, A., Knobloch, J. and Voss, B.: Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells. Chichester: J.Wiley & Sons. 1998
2. Wagemann, H.G., Eschrich, H.: Grundlagen der photovoltaischen Energiewandlung. Mnichov: Teubner Studienbucher. 1994
Jako podklad pro udělení klasifikovaného zápočtu jsou výsledky ze dvou testů a zpracování laboratorních úloh