Presentation Skills
B241 - Zimní 2024/2025
Presentation Skills - BE9M04PRE
Kredity | 2 |
Semestry | zimní |
Zakončení | klasifikovaný zápočet |
Jazyk výuky | angličtina |
Rozsah výuky | 2C |
Celkový cíl tohoto kurzu je rozvíjet komunikační a jazykové dovednosti za účelem plánování a realizace efektivní prezentace. Studenti budou provedeni postupně skrze všechny klíčové body prezentování - od jejich přípravy a schopnost představit se až k závěrečnému shrnutí. Studenti jsou pomocí interaktivních metod instruováni k úspěšnému předávání svých myšlenek a nápadů v logickém pořadí a uspořádaných celcích, to vše stručně, jasně a výstižně.
Důraz je kladen na nezávislé kritické myšlení a na správnou formulaci prezentovaných myšlenek. Během tohoto kurzu si studenti procvičí dovednosti, které jim umožní stát se lepšími řečníky a přednášejícími.
Důraz je kladen na nezávislé kritické myšlení a na správnou formulaci prezentovaných myšlenek. Během tohoto kurzu si studenti procvičí dovednosti, které jim umožní stát se lepšími řečníky a přednášejícími.
Cíle studia
Cílem předmětu je rozvinutí schopnosti strukturovaného myšlení, logické formulace a argumentace, dále dovednosti vyjádřit stručně a jasně vlastní názor podle funkce projevu a očekávání posluchačů.
Osnovy přednášek
Week 1: Course Introduction & Credit Requirements
How to Prepare and Give a Presentation
Week 2: Body Language & Gestures: Non-Verbal Communication
Preparing Slides for Presentations
HW: Choose Topic for Presentation
Week 3: Structure of a Presentation (INTRODUCTION - BODY - CONCLUSION)
Signposting / Signalling: Introduction & Overview Portion of Presentation
HW: Create OVERVIEW for Presentation
Week 4: Making an Outline
Innovative Ways to Open your Presentation
Week 5: Individual Consultations
Week 6: Language: Informal vs. Formal (Academic) / Other Word Choices
At a Loss for Words: Describing Things When You Forget the Word
Week 7: Fluency Practice: Summarizing
Week 8: Pronunciation: It is WHAT you say...and HOW you say it
Key Words in Presentation
Week 9: Facts versus Opinions
Reporting Verbs / Hedging
Week 10: Graphs & Charts
How to Talk About a Visual Aid
Week 11: Individual Consultations
Progress Check / Practice Presentation
Week 13: Feedback / Make-up Presentations
Week 14: Reserve Class (Feedback / Make-up Presentations)
How to Prepare and Give a Presentation
Week 2: Body Language & Gestures: Non-Verbal Communication
Preparing Slides for Presentations
HW: Choose Topic for Presentation
Week 3: Structure of a Presentation (INTRODUCTION - BODY - CONCLUSION)
Signposting / Signalling: Introduction & Overview Portion of Presentation
HW: Create OVERVIEW for Presentation
Week 4: Making an Outline
Innovative Ways to Open your Presentation
Week 5: Individual Consultations
Week 6: Language: Informal vs. Formal (Academic) / Other Word Choices
At a Loss for Words: Describing Things When You Forget the Word
Week 7: Fluency Practice: Summarizing
Week 8: Pronunciation: It is WHAT you say...and HOW you say it
Key Words in Presentation
Week 9: Facts versus Opinions
Reporting Verbs / Hedging
Week 10: Graphs & Charts
How to Talk About a Visual Aid
Week 11: Individual Consultations
Progress Check / Practice Presentation
Week 13: Feedback / Make-up Presentations
Week 14: Reserve Class (Feedback / Make-up Presentations)
Osnovy cvičení
Week 1: Course Introduction & Credit Requirements
How to Prepare and Give a Presentation
Week 2: Body Language & Gestures: Non-Verbal Communication
Preparing Slides for Presentations
HW: Choose Topic for Presentation
Week 3: Structure of a Presentation (INTRODUCTION - BODY - CONCLUSION)
Signposting / Signalling: Introduction & Overview Portion of Presentation
HW: Create OVERVIEW for Presentation
Week 4: Making an Outline
Innovative Ways to Open your Presentation
Week 5: Individual Consultations
Week 6: Language: Informal vs. Formal (Academic) / Other Word Choices
At a Loss for Words: Describing Things When You Forget the Word
Week 7: Fluency Practice: Summarizing
Week 8: Pronunciation: It is WHAT you say...and HOW you say it
Key Words in Presentation
Week 9: Facts versus Opinions
Reporting Verbs / Hedging
Week 10: Graphs & Charts
How to Talk About a Visual Aid
Week 11: Individual Consultations
Progress Check / Practice Presentation
Week 13: Feedback / Make-up Presentations
Week 14: Reserve Class (Feedback / Make-up Presentations)
How to Prepare and Give a Presentation
Week 2: Body Language & Gestures: Non-Verbal Communication
Preparing Slides for Presentations
HW: Choose Topic for Presentation
Week 3: Structure of a Presentation (INTRODUCTION - BODY - CONCLUSION)
Signposting / Signalling: Introduction & Overview Portion of Presentation
HW: Create OVERVIEW for Presentation
Week 4: Making an Outline
Innovative Ways to Open your Presentation
Week 5: Individual Consultations
Week 6: Language: Informal vs. Formal (Academic) / Other Word Choices
At a Loss for Words: Describing Things When You Forget the Word
Week 7: Fluency Practice: Summarizing
Week 8: Pronunciation: It is WHAT you say...and HOW you say it
Key Words in Presentation
Week 9: Facts versus Opinions
Reporting Verbs / Hedging
Week 10: Graphs & Charts
How to Talk About a Visual Aid
Week 11: Individual Consultations
Progress Check / Practice Presentation
Week 13: Feedback / Make-up Presentations
Week 14: Reserve Class (Feedback / Make-up Presentations)
Materials: Provided by instructor (or made available online).
U studentů se předpokládá znalost anglického jazyka alespoň na úrovni Intermediate.